Thursday 30 April 2020

What kind of books do young Chinese now like? Reading and social politics

Reading is not only individual behaviour, which can improve oneself and cultivate sentiment, but also an important guarantee for the inheritance and benign operation of social knowledge. It is not only affected and restricted by the social environment and various social factors but also acts on the society and the social system. Sustainable development plays an invaluable and important role.

The social environment will have a universal, long-term, and subtle influence on individual reading behaviour. The environment is a series of complex and recognizable stimuli. It is real and measurable. It exists in its own form and uses various signals to enhance the possibility of affecting reading behaviour. At the same time, we must evaluate our own reading behaviour and reading process from a broader and interactive perspective, and evaluate the interaction between reading and social environment, because people's reading behaviour, reading process and reading effect also always play a role In all aspects of social development.

Reading and social politics

A society's political system, political opinions, political style and policy laws and regulations undoubtedly have a profound and significant impact on all aspects of people's reading behaviour. But at the same time, people's reading also affects people's spirits and thoughts in their unique ways, and then reflects into practice and behaviour, affecting social politics.

First, political leaders or important figures form their own political opinions through reading and then influence the social-political environment and trend of thought through writing books. The political views and positions of the leader are mainly derived from his life experience, social experience and learning background, etc. There is a process of development and maturity. In addition to personal experience, its positions and tendencies formed through various reading and thinking also account for a large proportion. In ancient and modern China and foreign countries, the ruling leaders and leaders all emphasized the importance of reading and studying. Mao Zedong loved reading all his life, and he kept his hands on the paper. Chen Jin wrote in his article "On the Road to Politics-Reading, Recommending, and Compiling Books (Part 1)" that Mao Zedong's thinking and decision-making on many political issues, as well as promoting the implementation of decision-making, are at important junctures and major issues. Through reading, recommending books, and compiling books, clarifying ideas, raising awareness, enriching knowledge, correcting the demeanour, and advocating the right direction are the leadership and working methods he is used to, and a decision-making method he is more accustomed to. For example, comparing the texts of Chinese and foreign constitutions, formulating the “May 4th Constitution”; reading and talking about the “Red Studies”, opposing idealism in the ideological and cultural circles; reading newspapers and magazines, paying attention to academic articles, guiding and promoting academic construction, and proposing “a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend” Policy, etc.

There are also some opinion leaders who have the world ’s vision and insight into the world. They have the political ambitions and talents of the world ’s economy and the people. Expressing political opinions through book lobbying, lobbying lectures, and class lectures will also affect the ruler ’s politics to a certain extent. Viewpoints influence social and political thoughts. For example, Confucius, a thinker and educator, created the Confucian School through private lectures, travelling around the nations, and writing books. Confucianism has had a profound impact on the politics and culture of China and the world. Zhao Kunsheng, Chen Xiaoqian, and Tan Jieni wrote in the article "Reading, Discussing Thoughts and Politics in Early Jin Dynasty" that in early Jin Dynasty, Emperor Han Taiwei, son of Emperor Song, received great family education. Although he did not directly hold official positions, he wrote The way of speaking said influenced the ideological consciousness of the monarch and the hundred officials. This way of writing, advancing, and establishing education constituted a scenic line of social activities and political participation of the clan and the clan.

Second, reading can promote social and political construction. Reading improves the quality of the people. The improvement of the quality of the people can enhance the political sensitivity of the people and strengthen modern political awareness such as rights, equality, and democracy. Therefore, reading is an important guarantee for the realization of civil rights and can greatly promote political construction.

In feudal society, reading resources are limited to a small number of people, such as the ruling class and the noble class, and the ruling class adopts a policy of cultural autocracy and a policy of ignoring the people. For example, the Qin Dynasty's "burning books and Confucianism" opened the precedent of the policy of ignoring the people in the feudal society. Another example is the penal prison set up for the prohibition of words or the imposition of charges by words to eliminate aliens-the word prison, the dynasties during the feudal rule It is not uncommon to see similar incidents in North Korea, Japan and other countries. In our country, the word prison during the Qing Dynasty is the most tyrannical. The fear and strong suppression of the political thoughts and opinions brought about by words, books, and knowledge by feudal rulers fully reflected the importance of reading behaviour.

After a long-term struggle between feudalism and anti-feudalism, democracy and anti-democracy, science and anti-science, in the contemporary era of the awakening of civilization consciousness of the entire society and the optimization of national quality, it has become a consensus that the people are the masters of their own people, and the rights of the people have been fully Attention and respect must also increase the reading rate to promote social construction, because the possession of rights and the ability to exercise rights are two different things. Through reading, it can generally improve the education level of the masses, improve the cultural quality of the whole people, improve people's subjective consciousness, rights consciousness, participation consciousness, equality consciousness and rule of law consciousness, understand the nature and specific content of political things, and enable the people to exercise political rights The awareness and ability to participate in and manage political affairs and public affairs.

Third, reading can deepen the public's understanding of current political theories and ideas. Reading can strengthen the public's understanding of the current ruling ideas, mainstream values ​​and mainstream ideology, and is conducive to the stability of the current political system. Reading activities have always been a very important part of the ideological and political work of the Communist Party of China. The purpose is to learn from the political theory of the people, clarify the political direction, establish a consistent worldview and methodology, and generate a greater sense of political identity.

With the development of social economy, the exchange, blending and confrontation of various thoughts in the world are becoming more and more fierce. The values ​​are becoming more diversified and people's thoughts are becoming more diverse. Under such an environment, strengthen the dissemination and landing of Marxist ideological theory and its latest contemporary achievements, so as to become mainstream values ​​and ideologies to face and deal with complex contradictions in work and life, and guide people ’s behaviour With practice, it becomes very important and necessary.

Reading and social economy

First, reading itself has become an industry and an important part of the social economy. At present, reading products are already commodities that can be produced, circulated, distributed, and consumed. Reading has also become an industry, and as part of the cultural industry, it has become one of the pillar industries of the national economy, making a huge contribution to the development of the social economy contribution. The reading industry has a wide range of categories, including book publishing, newspaper and magazine industry, film and television industry, Internet industry and mobile reading industry, etc., and the industry scale is growing.

At present, the penetration rate of mobile Internet and the speed of Internet access have been greatly increased, which has greatly promoted the development of mobile video and other film and television industries and mobile reading industries. According to data from PricewaterhouseCoopers, the total revenue of the global entertainment and media industry was US $ 1.72 trillion in 2015; the global entertainment and media market size is expected to reach US $ 1.79 trillion in 2016; the global entertainment industry is expected to be between 2016 and 2020 The average annual compound growth rate of the media and media industry will be maintained at 4.4%, which is higher than the global average growth rate of GDP. The total revenue of the global entertainment and media industry will reach 2.14 trillion US dollars in 2020.

According to the data of "China Media Industry Development Report (2017)" edited by Cui Baoguo, in 2016, the total size of China's media industry reached 1.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 19.1% over the previous year. In China's reading industry, the revenue of the book publishing industry and the newspaper industry has remained stable, and the mobile reading industry has developed rapidly. At the same time, the integration and game of new and old media are continuing, and the reading industry is facing a profound structural transformation.

Second, reading provides excellent labourers for social and economic growth. Only those who have absorbed advanced knowledge and ideas through reading and have excellent qualities are able to engage in higher-level economic activities and can adapt to the constantly evolving new technologies, new industries, and new economic fields. High-quality labourers, managers and technicians will have higher labour efficiency and better innovation performance in the production of new products, development of new technologies, innovative enterprise management, and improved enterprise marketing, which will greatly promote social-economic development. Excellent talents will also take the lead in role models, improving the business level and industry competitiveness of employees as a whole, thereby promoting the development of enterprises and the social economy.

At present, the competition of countries in the world is mainly the competition of economic power. The international influence of a country is closely related to economic power, and behind the economic competition is the competition of talents. High-quality labourers are one of the basic conditions that must be met for economic development. The growth of the country ’s economic strength must depend on high-quality labourers, and high-quality labourers need to read to absorb wisdom and spiritual wealth.

Third, reading brings high-quality consumers to economic growth. Hu Weiqing pointed out in his paper "The Importance of National Quality in the Process of Economic Growth" that consumption is the source of economic growth. Without consumption, products cannot be converted into wealth, and consumption includes two types, one is of low quality, Conservative and basic consumption, another kind of high-quality and expansionary consumption. And believe that the first type of consumption cannot promote substantial economic growth, and the second type of consumption trend is the key factor of economic growth. Such a consumer market needs to meet three conditions: First, it can produce high-tech and high-quality products. Second, we must form a high-quality consumer group, and third, we must form rational and advanced consumer psychology. And reading can improve the quality of the people and promote high-quality consumer groups, such groups can also have rational and advanced consumer psychology, thereby increasing consumer demand and promoting economic development.

According to the research data of Huang Wei's paper "Chongqing's National Quality and Economic Development Strategies", with the improvement of education, national income and consumption have increased correspondingly, and education level, income level and consumption level have obvious correlation Sex. The improvement of education level and education level is also inseparable from reading, so reading promotes economic growth by creating high-quality consumers.

Fourth, the scientific and technological revolution brought about by reading can greatly promote the development of social and economic innovation. Deng Xiaoping once pointed out that science and technology are the primary productive forces. The leap in social productivity brought about by the scientific and technological revolution has greatly promoted the development of human history and the progress of civilization. Nowadays, science and technology are changing with each passing day, and the rapid development of productivity has brought about tremendous changes in various fields of social economy, and also changed the social production methods and people's lifestyles. The scientific and technological revolution is realized by high-quality talents, and the achievements of these talents are closely related to reading and learning. The innovative thinking and intellectual achievements of high-quality labourers can accelerate the development of science and technology, and when science and technology are applied to all walks of life, they can greatly promote the development of productive forces and thus accelerate the speed of social and economic development.

Fifth, reading is conducive to the sustainable development of a social economy. To achieve sustainable economic development, we must change the economic development model, develop a conservation-oriented economy, increase the economic and technological content of the economy, expand the proportion of high-tech products, and promote the development of high-tech industries, and these all need to improve the quality of the people through reading. The sustainable development of social economy requires the improvement of national quality as the basis and premise. Whether it is the formulation and implementation of economic development plans, or the transformation of economic development methods, investment in science, technology, education, and cultural industries, whether it is the application of high and new technology to promote industrial development or the transformation of consumer concepts, and the consumption of high and new technology products, all need to have a high cultural quality And the high-quality nationals with scientific and technological qualities and understanding of the concept of sustainable development, and the improvement of these qualities is inseparable from reading, so the sustainable development of the social economy cannot be separated from national reading.

Reading and social culture

Reading itself is a universal cultural phenomenon. At the same time, it has a long-term and subtle influence on popular culture and social culture from the level of personal spiritual construction. Promoting the development of social culture is an important factor and an important driving force for the continuous development of today's society. .

First, reading can effectively enhance national cultural soft power. Culture has become an important part of the country's soft power, and it plays an important role in promoting economic and social development. And reading is the basic way to continue the culture, inherit civilization, update knowledge, and improve national quality. It can be seen that countries and nations that promote knowledge and care for talents can stand in the forest of nations in the world. Throughout history, the Chinese nation has never given up exploring and trying to achieve the continuation of knowledge, from Oracle to bamboo slips, from silk books to paper books, from engraving printing to movable type printing, although the carrier of knowledge has changed, the Chinese nation The desire for knowledge and culture has never changed. It can be said that the reason why the Chinese culture can continue to prosper until today cannot be separated from generations of love and respect for reading.

Therefore, we must advocate reading for all, build a book-scented society, increase the reading rate of the people, and enhance the creativity and civilization of the whole society. This is an effective way to inherit Chinese culture and enhance the image of the country. It is a solid way to enhance cultural soft power and comprehensive national strength. Basic and important content.

Second, reading can improve the quality of the people and promote the construction of a harmonious society. Reading is an important way to improve national quality. One person, reading habits are indispensable; an organization, reading style is indispensable; a nation, reading style is inevitable. The self-improvement and knowledge accumulation of individuals and nations are inseparable from reading and practice. Reading is of great benefit to the development of national quality. Reading can truly create high-quality civic groups needed for urban development. Therefore, reading is also the realization of civil cultural rights Important guarantee.

Reading is also an important part of building a harmonious society. Reading can promote the overall development of human beings, and the realization of the comprehensive development of human beings can achieve the comprehensive development of society. This is an important content of a harmonious society; at the same time, reading can cultivate sentiment, purify the soul, improve the cultivation and cultivation of people, and make people harmonious Get along and promote the orderly and benign operation of society.

Third, reading stimulates human creativity, thereby promoting scientific and technological progress and social civilization. Baidu Encyclopedia defines creativity as follows: Creativity refers to the ability to generate new ideas, discover and create new things. It is a combination of various factors such as knowledge, intelligence, ability and excellent personality qualities. It is a success The psychological quality necessary to complete a certain creative activity is a comprehensive ability unique to mankind. Whether a person is creative is a watershed between first-rate talents and third-rate talents. The development of creativity is inseparable from reading. Reading is a way to innovate consciousness, innovative ability and learn creative techniques. It is the human creativity brought by reading that promotes the continuous progress of science and technology, and also promotes social civilization. Growing.

Fourth, reading may also produce negative social factors, and social control should be carried out through laws and systems. The famous German thinker Goethe said: "Reading a good book is talking to many noble people." Good reading can not only impart knowledge, increase learning, effectively guide practice, but also cultivate sentiment, purify the soul, and enhance the realm of life; And the effect of bad content is just the opposite. With the continuous enrichment of reading content, forms and means, especially the open and shared reading channels of the Internet, all kinds of rumours, obscenity, violence, privacy, pan-entertainment and even vulgar content have been spread.

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